Welcome to our digital space, where we gather on the traditional lands of Treaty 6 and Metis Nation of Alberta’s Region 4, in the place originally known as Amiskwaciwâskahikan (ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ), and now known as Edmonton, Alberta, Canada post colonization. We are grateful to live, work, and play on these traditional lands. We pay our respects to the Indigenous peoples who have stewarded this land for generations: the Cree, Saulteaux, Nakota, Dene, and Métis. Their enduring connection to this territory enriches our understanding of history, culture, and stewardship. Land acknowledgement Land acknowledgement

In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge the impacts of colonization and commit to learning from the wisdom of the past. As we navigate this website, may we carry the teachings of this land forward and work together toward a future of mutual respect, understanding, and harmony.

Respecting Indigenous Lands: A Land Acknowledgement Footbridge across a stream showing a path forward to future harmony. 

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